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The new standard in gambling intelligence.
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DATA on its own doesn’t quite make the grade. To make informed decisions, you need expert analysis and experience to cut through the information noise.
Based in the heart of London, GamblingIQ is the leading provider of industry intelligence and thought leadership for operators, investors, law makers, public health officials, compliance, payment providers, technology consultants, clinicians, charities - anyone seeking to understand where the gambling industry is headed.
Hard-to-find information on every aspect of the gambling industry is sourced, analysed and vetted in one place by our consultancy team led by former bookmakers and practising lawyers, with over 15 years experience in the business.
Even today, information and data found in syndicated and general market reports is not specific enough to meet a stakeholder’s research needs - that’s why Gambling IQ exists; to deliver specific industry knowledge and analysis when you need it.